Buđenje uz najbolju kafu u gradu

If enjoying a good cup of coffee is an indispensable part of your everyday life, it's time you learn about the temple of the best coffee in the city! It's up to you to open your senses to the unique tastes and smells of the cafe in the Galerija and begin your search for the ideal cup.


As we all know, the first coffee of the morning is the most important. We expect it to wake us up, provide the necessary energy and fix even the gloomiest of mornings. If you know the day by the first coffee, Chiara cafeteria is an excellent starting point to set the right tone for the day, whether you are alone or in good company. The warmth this place exudes will make you feel at home and come back again and again for a new dose of pure pleasure. Along with imaginatively decorated coffee, try some of their famous homemade sandwiches and cakes.

We believe that you have already found your favorite combination of strength, roast, and aroma. But if you are still looking for the true perfection of smell and taste, keep exploring the rich world of coffee to determine what suits you best. Start at Kafeterija, where more than 15 unique blends from plantations from the farthest corners of the world await you, including very rare flavors, exclusive to this part of Europe. For awakening, we suggest the aromas of Indian or Brazilian espresso, and if you need something to boost your productivity, explore the flavors of the best coffee beans from Colombia, Kenya, or Ethiopia. If you wonder how they always have a fresh, recognizable taste after such a long journey, it is because they are fried and ground right before consumption.


In the modern culture of coffee enjoyment, it is the barista who knows the coffee bean and knows how to make magic in a cup of espresso. You will see for yourself if you visit Diverzija. For an extra boost of energy, be sure to try their invigorating immune shot made of lemon, ginger, and honey. And everything else from the rich offer of food and drinks is pure hedonism in this unique snack & coffee bar, which will enchant you with its unusual interior and dynamic atmosphere at any time of the day.

Did you know that you can try macchiato tea in only one place in Serbia? Look for it in the "most literary" cafeteria in town - Bukmarker - which combines the world of books and the best flavors and aromas. Macchiato tea is an interesting drink originating from Taiwan, which combines sweet, salty, and fruity flavors in combination with black, green, or fruit tea. Moroccan coffee served in a "French press" with an infusion of spices such as ginger, anise, pepper, and cinnamon is no less interesting. Let Bukmarker be the perfect starting point for a cruise through the world of the best aromas and books.

In the morning or after work, during a shopping break or before the cinema, while taking a break while walking along the Sava Promenada - the Galerija is a place where you will find a cup of pure pleasure.

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Knjižarski lanac Delfi otvorio je svoju prvu knjižaru 2009. godine u Beogradu sa željom da ponudi alternativu postojećim standardima u domaćem knjižarstvu. Iskrena posvećenost tom cilju je rezultirala time da danas Delfi lanac broji 43 knjižare, preko 80.000 naslova domaćih i stranih izdavača u ponudi, raskošan gift program, multimediju i video-igre. Mislili su i na profilisane knjigoljupce, pa tako u ponudi imaju i stripove, mange, board games, knjige na stranim jezicima, kolekcionarske predmete i replike.

Caffe Chiara

Jedinstveno mesto, na najatraktivnijoj lokaciji u gradu. Prijatni ambijent za odmor i opuštanje uz Julius Meinl kafu, homemade kolače i sladolede. Napravite predah od šopinga uz naše uvek sveže sendviče, salate i voćne kupove.


Gosti Kafeterije se svakog jutra mogu razbuditi uz ukuse Indija ili Brazil espresa, poboljšati produktivnost uz ukuse Kolumbije, Kenije ili Etiopije, uživati u specijalno pripremljenim blendovima ili završiti dan uz bezkofeinske napitke.